Version History
4.1 - February 2025
Auto Scheduling now behaves more in line with standard project management tools
Support for Lead/Lag setting on individual dependencies
Support for different dependency types (Finish to Start, Start to Finish, Finish to Finish, Start to Start)
Support for color rule comparators (equals/not equals/contains)
Fixed bug with Milestones not rendering correctly
4.0 - January 2025
This major release requires a manual update from either AppSource or the new install package. Contact your IT department for guidance.
Going forward, this will be the product version needed in order to automatically receive further minor features.
Significant performance improvements in rendering and load times, including both view and edit property modes
Styling update to more closely match SharePoint control styles
Ability to copy a project or task via right click > Duplicate
Option to display the total number of rows (Settings > Labels > Show total rows label)
Now shows subscription or trial info in Property Pane
Bugfix: fixed edge case for Days calculation
Bugfix: fixed task colors when color scheme is based on parent task
Bugfix: fixed task color update when changing status
Numerous other minor bug fixes
3.18 - January 2025
New feature - the ability to change the maximum number of loadable list items from the existing fixed value of 500. Note that changing this value is not generally recommended.
3.17 - October 2024
Various bug fixes and security updates.
3.16 - August 2024
Ability to convert between task, project or milestones. The right-click menu now allows converstion between these types:
There is a new option to control the ability for users to delete tasks/projects. This new option is located under Settings > Edit Permissions. Note that a user can never delete if they only have read-only access.
When creating a new List, the lookup fields are no longer added automatically. This is to prevent a bug in SharePoint where the list periodically fails to render.
The color used for text within task bars will now automatically change between black and white, depending on which is most easily readable against the task background color.
3.13 - June 2024 Part 3
3.12 - June 2024 Part 2
3.11 - June 2024
3.10 - May 2024
Support for unscheduled tasks. If a task has a blank start date or end date, it is regarded as unscheduled. This means it will not affect the scale, duration days won't be calculated, and a bar won't appear in the gantt chart.
3.9 - April 2024
Support for a 'Duration' column. This will automatically calculate the working days for each task and display the value in a configurable column.
The working days are configurable, but default to Monday-Friday.
3.8 - February 2024 (part 2)
3.7.3 - February 2024
3.7.2 - January 2024
Fixed bug where start/end dates in data grid columns did not match task values after editing.
3.7 - November 2023
URL parameters for filtering the Gantt chart tasks are now supported.
See the Integration Guide for details.
3.6 - September 2023
Allow task resize controls whether the start/end date can be changed by dragging:
Allow task progress update allows dragging of the progress icon:
3.5.1 - June 2023
Several bugfixes and minor updates.
3.5 - April 2023
Several bug fixes, including: - Generating a code correctly for new tasks (which will allow correctly persisted ordering) - Fixed scrollbars when a custom grid is in use
3.3.2 - March 2023
3.3 - February 2023
This release brings some significant performance enhancements with support for filtering and dynamic loading. More information about this can be found in the documentation.
Views can be configured in one of two ways: firstly, a default view can be set, from which data is loaded into the Gantt. Secondly, a drop-down menu can be configured so that end users can select a view.
Fields can be nominated to allow end-user filtering on that field:
3.2.1 - January 2023
This minor update addresses a number of bugs and includes several minor enhancements.
Fixed an issue whereby custom grouping causes the height of the webpart to be incorrectly calculated, and an undesired scrollbar appeared.
SharePoint fields did not appear in the options if they began with a non-alphanumeric character.
3.2 - December 2022
This release brings a significant number of major new features.
Minor changes and bugfixes:
The font face has now been updated to match the SharePoint Online font face.
When a custom sort field is selected, a secondary sort of Start Date will be applied, followed by a tertiary sort of Title.
When a custom header is applied to the Title field, it is now correctly applied.
Column headers in the data grid are now left aligned.
3.1 - November 2022
Support for setting the maximum number of 'persona' icons:
Option to customise the week display as week of the year (1-52):
Option to set a maximum height for the web part, to introduce a vertical scrollbar, in the case of large numbers of tasks:
1.0 - October 2022
The initial version was released in October 2022. There was significant development after this initial release.
Last updated